December 8th 2016 – Werewolves, The Gay Agenda and It’s Bobbie with an ie

Hi there!
So there’s this website called MookyChick which sounds terrible. I wouldn’t know. I’ve never read anything beyond this article about werewolves. It’s titled Female Werewolves in Pop Culture, but it’s actually more about the history of werewolves, their representation in culture and how the have been used to represent gender, race and class. I saw it and I thought, terrible website name but relevant to our interests.

Continue reading “December 8th 2016 – Werewolves, The Gay Agenda and It’s Bobbie with an ie”

September 26th 2016 – Cackleberries, Beadxit and Bitter Betties

Ok, I missed last week and for that I am sorry. Stupid real life with it’s real job and it’s real illnesses. BUT I’m back to full power this week bringing you all the internet you couldn’t be bothered reading for yourself!

Perfect for all your lunch time procrastination needs.*wink*

Continue reading “September 26th 2016 – Cackleberries, Beadxit and Bitter Betties”